Mnemonics For Pediatrics Book PDF Download

Mnemonics For Pediatrics Book PDF Download


  • About the author : ix
  • Acknowledgments Introduction  : xi
  • Abbreviations : xix

1. Respiratory paediatrics

1.1 Embryology

1.2 Symptoms and signs of respiratory disease

1.3 Causes and conditions.

1.4. Miscellaneous

2. Cardiovascular paediatrics

2.1 Causes of cyanosis in congenital cyanotic heart


2.2 ECG changes

2.3 Miscellaneous mnemonics.

3. Paediatric neurology

3.1 Basic anatomy

3.2 Symptoms, signs and causes

3.3 Miscellaneous

4. Fluids/renal

4.1 Basic knowledge

5. Immunology

5.1 The immunoglobulins

5.2 Conditions

6. Gastrointestinal

6.1 Causes of obstruction

6.2 Symptoms signs and causes

6.3 Miscellaneous

7. Genetics

7.1 How to match conditions to chromosomes

7.2 Specific conditions

8. Resuscitation and life support

8.1 Miscellaneous

9. Neonatology

9.1 Miscellaneous

10. Sepsis

10.1 General mnemonics

11. Statistics

11.1 Statistics

12. Rheumatology

12.1 Miscellaneous

13. Endocrinology

13.1 Miscellaneous

14. Psychiatry

14.1 Autism

14.2 Anorexia nervosa and bulimia

14.3 Substance abuse

14.4 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

15. Dermatology

15.1 Causes of acute urticaria

16. Emergency medicine

16.1 Ingested substances that are opaque on X-ray

16.2 Features of organophosphate poisoning

17. Pharmacology

17.1 Side-effects of corticosteroids

18. Paediatric surgery

18.1 Umbilical herniae in children

18.2 Meckel's diverticulum

19. Orthopaedics

19.2 The limping child

19.1When to be concerned

19.3 Risk factors for congenital dislocation ofthe hip

19.4 Features of osteopetrosis

19.5 Incidences of paediatric orthopaedic conditions.

19.6 The patient with a suspected fracture


20.1 Causes of aplastic anaemia

20.2 Causes of an anterior mediastinal mass seen on imaging studies

20.3 Diencephalic syndrome.


Taking a pain history:

21.2 Reading an X-ray

21.3 General differential diagnosis.

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Mnemonics For Pediatrics Book PDF Download